Friday, March 04, 2005

More of Micah's "old family"

Micah continues to tell us more and more about his "old family" that he used to have before he "got us." We recently found out that Micah's old father (not dad, father) had a brown back and red hands...interesting to say the least. And not only did that big dinosaur eat them, but he beat them up as well. Poor old family. He also added that he used to have a dog named Captain Hook, we're not sure what happened to him yet.

This week, he came up to me and said that he had some bad friends that hit him sometimes. I asked him who they were and he said that they lived in the "sneaky house" behind our back yard. There actually is a really run-down house behind ours, so I'm guessing that's what he's talking about. I asked him why it was a sneaky house and he said it was because he used to sneak back there when he was little. I asked him how little, and he showed me an inch with his fingers and said, "about this little, about the same size as Zachias." Then he proceeded to sing Zachias was a wee little man and a wee little man was he! He climbed up in a sycamore tree for the Lord he wanted to see!!


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