Amy's Blog
My friends and family can come here to see how my life is and to check out pictures of me and my family.
Friday, November 19, 2004
Micah told me yesterday that he really wanted trains for Christmas. I told him that maybe if he is good he will get one. He said that all he can think about is trains and that all his friends want him to have a train set. Well I guess if all his friends want him to have one...:)
Sunday, November 14, 2004
bunk beds!
When we got the kids new beds last year, we bought them wooden beds that could connect to be bunk beds. Yesterday, Levi and I spent a lot of the afternoon assembling them in Micah's room and changing things around a little. So no both kids sleep in Micah's old room, and we have both their dressers in there as well. And we moved all the toys, books, tv/vcr and videos to the "play room." Micah really enjoys sleeping high up in the air, and Alexis seems to like the new bed as well. They like having the playroom to keep everything in.
Friday, November 12, 2004
where dinosaurs come from
Micah explained to me where dinosaurs came from like this: "When you start to bleed, your bones come out and you turn into a dinosaur."
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Friday, November 05, 2004
what happened to the moon?
Stephanie was driving us home from her birthday party at the Hamilton's house late last night, and there was a half moon in the sky. Micah looked up and asked, "what happened to the moon mom? Did the cow try to jump over it and break it in half?"
Thursday, November 04, 2004
hotdog pocket
Today at lunch, Alexis wanted a plain hotdog. So I got her a hotdog and I was eating quesadillas with Levi in the living room and we look over and Alexis has stashed her hotdog in her jeans pocket. It's just hanging out of the pocket. Then she reaches down, takes a bite and puts it back in the pocket.