Sunday, February 26, 2006

Kid's scrap book pages I've done recently

Here are some of the kid's book pages that i've done in the last couple of weeks. Sorry they're not really good quality, the light was glaring off of the pages with protectors on them.

Saturday, February 25, 2006


Micah's birthday

Well, Thursday was Micah's Birthday, and today was his party. We just had a couple friends over, but Micah had fun. And we got a new camera!
I made Micah's cake, he requested it. It was chocolate naturally.
He got a power ranger action figure and motorcycle from Stephanie; a paddle ball game with suction cups, coloring book, crayons, and clay from Lauren; a magnet play set from my parents; and a scooter, helmet and pads from us.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Camera Woes, funny kids

Well we finally heard back from the camera company...that it was going to cost a LOT OF MONEY to fix our camera. Like more money than we can get a new one with similar megapixels. So after waiting till early November, we still have no camera, and our old one is worth zero. So now we're looking into getting a new one. I'm pretty mad about our other one though.

The other day, Levi brought home Dilly Bars for the kids and Alexis asked where they come from. I told her that they were from Dairy Queen, and Micah said, "You know Alexis, Dairy Queen is spanish for popsicle." hehe.

We were at a restaurant with some friends of ours and Micah wanted to try some bread stick crackers, you know the hard crunchy little stick crackers. So I gave him one and he spit it out on the table and looked at me incredulously. "That was a real stick!" So now he thinks I feed him sticks.

I was in the kitchen and Micah came down stairs and began jumping on one leg and then the other. He said, "Mom it's exercise!" I said that he was right, and then he told me, " it's good for your buns and pies."