School Daze....
Well, Micah has been in preschool this week, today was his third day. He gets on the bus at about 7:35 am and gets home at about 11:20. He really likes his teacher, Ms. Beckett, and is making friends with kids in his class. Today though, we were outside waiting for the bus and as soon as he got close to the door of the bus, he started screaming and kicking, "I don't wanna go to school!!!!" He raised such a fuss-and I have no idea why, he just said that he was "not impressed with school anymore" So I drove him to school and he insisted that he was just visiting and would then come home with me. However, once we got to his classroom, he handed me his backpack and said "goodbye mom." He got home and said that he had a great day. I don't know what that outburst was about.
Alexis has cried every day when Micah left. She just can't believe that he's leaving her. She really REALLY wishes that she could go to school too, it's hard for her to understand why she can't. She came up to me yesterday and told me, "I have 2 schools far away. One is pink and one is purple." So whatever that means. :)