Amy's Blog
My friends and family can come here to see how my life is and to check out pictures of me and my family.
Saturday, April 15, 2006

Here's some pictures the kids took when they stole our camera. Actually there were over 100 pictures that they took in about 15 minutes, but I deleted most of them. There were probably 15 of the toilet, I'm not sure why that was such a photographed item. Then there were photos of all their toys and books and several poses of each other with the heads or sides of their body cut off. There were also many pictures of their feet as they attempted to learn how to take a picture.
On an unrelated note, Micah has taken to peeing in random places. The couch, chair, floor, on a piece of paper, in a cardboard box, in his toybox. It's been lovely. We keep asking him why he's doing this and the only thing he said was, "It's because I have half a boy brain and half a monkey brain. It makes me do weird stuff." So there you have it folks, Micah is part monkey and will now be living in a tree outside of our house until he stops peeing all over.